Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

If a person [desires] to give his estate in writing to his sons, he must write, `[this estate is assigned] from this day and after [my] death`; 15 these are the words of R. Judah. R. Jose said: this is not necessary. If a person assigned his estate, in writing, to his son [to be his] after his death, the father may not sell [it] because it is assigned in writing to the son, and the son may not sell [it] because it is in the possession of the father. If the father sold [the estate] the sale is valid until his death. If the son sold [it], the buyer has no claim whatsoever upon it until the father`s death. 
A father may pluck [the frit] and give it to any one he wishes for consumption; and any plucked [fruit] which he leaves [after his death] belongs to [all] the heirs. 
[If] one left sons [who were] of age, as well as minors, those who are of age are not to be supported at the expense of the minors, nor are the minors to be fed at the expense of those who are of age, but all receive equal shares] in the entire estate]. [If] those who were of age married, the minors [also] may take [a similar sum towards their marriage expenses]. If the minors, however, claimed, `we desire to take as much as you have taken`, their request is disregarded but what their father had given them is regarded as a gift.
 בתרא 8.7
הכותב נכסיו לבניו לאחר מותו, צריך שיכתוב מהיום ולאחר מיתה, דברי רבי יהודה; רבי יוסי אומר, אינו צריך׃ הכותב נכסיו לבנו לאחר מותו-- האב אינו יכול למכור, מפני שהן כתובין לבן; הבן אינו יכול למכור, מפני שהן ברשות האב׃ מכר האב, מכורין עד שימות; מכר הבן, אין ללוקח בהן כלום עד שימות האב׃ האב תולש, ומאכיל לכל מי שירצה; ומה שהניח תלוש, הרי הוא של יורשין׃ 
הניח בנים גדולים וקטנים-- אין הגדולים מתפרנסין על הקטנים, ולא הקטנים ניזונין על הגדולים; אלא חולקין בשווה׃ נשאו הגדולים, יישאו הקטנים; ואם אמרו הקטנים הרי אנו נושאים, כדרך שנשאתם אתם-- אין שומעין להם׃ אלא מה שנתן להן אביהן, נתן
[If] one left daughters [who were] of age, as well as minors those who are of age are not to be supported at the expense of the minors, nor are the minors to be fed at the expense of those who are of age. But all receive equal shares [in the distribution of the estate]. [If] those [who were] of age married, the minors [also] may take [a similar sum towards their marriage expenses]. If the minors, however, claimed, `we desire to take as much as you have taken`, their request is disregarded. In the following respect daughters are of grater importance than sons. For daughters are fed at the expense of the sons but not at the expense of [other] daughters.  בתרא 8.8 
הניח בנות גדולות וקטנות-- אין הגדולות מתפרנסות על ידי הקטנות, ולא הקטנות ניזונות על ידי הגדולות; אלא חולקות בשווה׃ נישאו גדולות, יישאו קטנות׃ זה חומר בבנות מבבנים-- שהבנות ניזונות על הבנים, ואינן ניזונות על הבנות. 


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