Audio by Rabbi Chaim Brown

Berakhot 2:6: [Rabban Gamliel] washed on the first night after his wife died. His students said to him: Didn't you teach us, our teacher, that a mourner is forbidden to wash? He said to them: I am not like other people. I am delicate.

רחץ בלילה הראשון שמתה אשתו.אמרו לו תלמידיו, לא למדתנו, רבנו, שאבל אסור לרחוץ.אמר להם, איני כשאר כל אדם, אסטניס אני.

Berakhot 2:7: And when [Rabban Gamliel's] slave Tavi died, he received words of comfort for him. His students said to him: Didn't you teach us, our teacher, that one does not receive words of comfort for slaves? He said to them: My servant Tavi was not like other servants. He was Kasher [acceptable].

וכשמת טבי עבדו, קבל עליו תנחומין.אמרו לו תלמידיו, לא למדתנו, רבנו, שאין מקבלין תנחומין על העבדים.אמר להם, אין טבי עבדי כשאר כל העבדים, כשר היה.

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