Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

One may eat in a casual manner from dough before it is rolled, in [the case of] wheaten [flour], or before it is mixed into a cohesive batter, in [the case of] barley [flour]. [Once] one has rolled it [in the case of] wheaten [flour], or one has mixed it into a cohesive paste, in [the case of] barley [flour], one who eats thereof, is liable to death. As soon as she puts in the water she should lift off her Hallah, provided only that there are not five-fourths [of a Kab] of flour there. מ חלה 3.1
אוכלין עראי מן העיסה, עד שתתגלגל בחיטים, ותיטמטם בשעורים; גילגלה בחיטים וטימטמה בשעורים, האוכל ממנה חייב מיתה  כיון שהיא נותנת את המים-- מגבהת חלתה, ובלבד שלא יהא שם חמשת רבעים קמח
[If] the dough became medumma before she had rolled it, it is exempt [from Hallah]. [If] after she had rolled it, it is subject [thereto]. [If] there occurred to her some uncertain uncleanness before she had rolled it, it may be completed in uncleanness, [if] after she had rolled it, it should be completed in cleanness.  מ חלה 3.2
נדמעה עיסתה-- עד שלא גילגלה-- פטורה, שהמדומע פטור; ומשגילגלה, חייבת נולד לה ספק טומאה-- עד שלא גילגלה, תעשה בטומאה; ומשגילגלה, תעשה בטהרה

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