Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

[If] a non-Israelite gave [flour] to an Israelite to make for him dough, it is exempt from Hallah; if he [the non-Israelite] gave it to him as a gift, before rolling it, he is liable. [If] after rolling it, he is exempt. [If] one makes dough together with a non-Israelite, [then] if there is not in [the portion] of the Israelite the [minimum] measure subject to Hallah, it is exempt from Hallah. מ  חלה 3.5
נוכרי שנתן לישראל לעשות לו עיסה, פטורה מן החלה-נתנה לו מתנה-- עד שלא גילגל, חייב; ומשגילגל, פטור-העושה עיסה עם הנוכרי-- אם אין בשל ישראל כשיעור, פטורה מן החלה
[If] one became a proselyte and had dough, [then if] it was made before he became a proselyte, he is exempt [from Hallah]. [But if] after he became a proselyte, he is liable. Also if there is a doubt, he is liable; but [a non-priest who has unwittingly eaten of such Hallah] is not liable in respect thereof to [refund an additional] `one-Fifth. R. Akiba said: it all depends on the [time of the] formation of the light crust in the oven.  מ  חלה 3.6
גר שנתגייר והייתה לו עיסה-- נעשת עד שלא נתגייר, פטור; ומשנתגייר, חייב-ואם ספק, חייב; ואין חייבין עליה חומש-רבי עקיבה אומר, הכול הולך אחר הקרימה בתנור

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