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מסכת חולין פרק ה משנה ג
השוחט ונמצא טריפה One who slaughters [a mother or its offspring] and found it to be a tereifah,
השוחט לעבודה זרה or slaughtered for an idol  (and is therefore prohibited to be benefited from),
והשוחט פרת חטאת

or slaughtered a red heifer (which is to be burnt and is forbidden to be eaten),

ושור הנסקל or a bull [sentenced to be] stoned (and is therefore prohibited to be benefited from),
ועגלה ערופה or a calf [which has been brought into a valley to be] decapitated (to atone for a murder where the killer has not been identified, and is therefore prohibited to be benefited from),
רבי שמעון פוטר Rabbi Shimon exempts [the slaughterer of its mother or offspring on the same day] (as he holds that slaughtering that does not render the animal fit for consumption does not constitute slaughtering such that he has violated the prohibition against slaughtering a mother and offspring on the same day)
וחכמים מחיבין and the Sages hold him liable.
השוחט ונתנבלה בידו

If one slaughters [a mother or its offspring] and it became a neveilah by his hand (the slaughtering was done improperly, such that it is as if it was not slaughtered at all),

והנוחר or he stabbed it to death,
והמעקר or he tore [the throat out, or the organs therein],
פטור משום אותו ואת בנו he is exempt from [the prohibition of killing] it and its offspring [on the same day].
שנים שלקחו פרה ובנה Two who purchased a cow and its daughter,
איזה שלקח ראשון the one the purchased first
ישחט ראשון may slaughter first,
ואם קדם השני and if the second one preceded him
זכה he has the advantage (all agree that this means the first purchaser may not slaughter until the next day, however rishonim disagree if he must reimburse for this preemption).
שחט פרה One who slaughters a cow
ואחר כך שני בניה and then two of her offspring [on the same day]
סופג שמנים receives eighty [lashes] (as each was a separate prohibition).
שחט שני בניה if he slaughtered two offspring
ואחר כך שחטה and then slaughtered her
סופג את הארבעים he receives the forty [lashes].
שחטה ואת בתה If he slaughtered her and her daughter
ואת בת בתה and her granddaughter [all on the same day]
סופג שמונים he receives eighty [lashes].
שחטה ואת בת בתה If he slaughtered her and her granddaughter
ואחר כך שחט את בתה and then he slaughtered her daughter
סופג את הארבעים he receives the forty [lashes] (as only one act - the slaughter of the daughter - violated a prohibition, and one can receive only one punishment for one act);
סומכוס אומר משום רבי מאיר Sumchos says in the name of Rabbi Meir
סופג שמונים he receives eighty [lashes] (as even though it was a single act, the slaughter of the daughter violated two prohibitions; he holds the same way in the earlier case where first two offspring are slaughtered, and then their mother is slaughtered).
בארבעה פרקים בשנה On four periods of the year (during which it was common for people to make a feast, and therefore someone buying an animal was assumed to be planning to slaughter it that day)
המוכר בהמה לחברו one who sells an animal to his colleague
צריך להודיעו must advise him,
אמה מכרתי לשחוט "I sold his mother to be slaughtered",
בתה מכרתי לשחוט [or] "I sold its daughter to be slaughtered,"
ואלו הן and these [periods of the year] are:
ערב יום טוב האחרון של חג The eve of the last day of Succos (as people would frequently make a feast on the last day of Succos, Shemini Atzeres),
וערב יום טוב הראשון של פסח the eve of the first day of Pesach,
וערב עצרת the eve of Shavuos,
וערב ראש השנה and the eve of Rosh Hashanah,
וכדברי רבי יוסי הגלילי and according to Rabbi Yosi Haglili
אף ערב יום הכיפורים בגליל also the ever of Yom Kippur in Galilee (where they would have feasts on that day as well).
אמר רבי יהודה Rabbi Yehuda says,
אימתי When [does this apply]?
בזמן שאין לו רוח When he has no time (i.e. when the first animal was sold that day, and so there is no possible time when he can slaughter the second animal before the feast),
אבל אם יש לו רוח

but when he has time (if the first animal was sold a day or more previously, one may assume that it was slaughtered then as well, and so there was time for the second animal to be slaughtered before the feast)

אין צריך להודיעו he does not need to notify him.
ומודה רבי יהודה And Rabbi Yehuda concedes
במוכר את האם לחתן by a mother sold to a groom
ואת הבת לכלה and its daughter sold to the bride (on two separate days)
שהוא צריך להודיע that he must notify them,
בידוע in that it is certain
ששניהם שוחטין ביום אחד that the two of them will be slaughtered on the same day (for their wedding).

משנה ד

בארבעה פרקים אלו In these four periods (listed in the previous mishna)
משחיטין את הטבח we force the butcher to slaughter (for a buyer)
בעל כרחו against his will;
אפילו שור שוה אלף דינרים even if the bull is worth one thousand dinars
ואין לו ללוקח אלא דינר and the buyer only owns [a share of the bull] worth one dinar (thus forcing the butcher to slaughter the animal would leave him with 999 dinars of meat for which he has no customers).
כופין אותו לשחוט we force the butcher to slaughter it.
לפיכך אם מת Therefore if it dies (during such a period)
מת ללוקח it dies for the buyer (i.e. the buyer bears the loss, as he could have gotten his meat if he had asked for it).
אבל בשאר כל ימות השנה However on the rest of the days of the year
אינו כן it is not so,
לפיכך אם מת therefore if it dies,
מת למוכר it dies for the seller (who bears the loss).