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פרק ז משנה א
מי שאחזו קרדיקוס ואמר One who is taken by a state of delirium and says
כתבו גט לאשתי "write a get for my wife"
לא אמר כלום he has not said anything.
אמר כתבו גט לאשתי [If a healthy person says] "write a get for my wife"
ואחזו קרדיקוס and is then taken by a state of delirium
 וחזר ואמר and then goes back and says
אל תכתבו "don't write it"
אין דבריו האחרונים כלום his latter words are nothing.
נשתתק If a person is struck mute
ואמרו לו and we say to him
נכתוב גט לאשתך "Should we write a get for your wife?"
והרכין בראשו and he nods his head,
בודקין אותו שלש פעמים we test him three times [by asking about other things],
אם אמר  if he says
על לאו לאו "No" for no [three times]
ועל הן הן and "Yes" for yes [three times]
הרי אלו יכתבו ויתנו they may write and give it.
פרק ז משנה ב
אמרו לו If they said to him [a deathly ill person or one about to embark on a dangerous journey]
נכתוב גט לאשתך "Should we write a get for your wife?"
ואמר להם כתבו and he said to them "Write",
 אמרו לסופר וכתב and they told a scribe and he wrote
ולעדים וחתמו and [they spoke to witnesses] and they signed
אף על פי שכתבוהו even though they wrote it
וחתמוהו ונתנוהו לו and signed it and gave it to him
וחזר ונתנו לה and he went back and gave it to her,
הרי הגט בטל it is an invalid get
עד שיאמר until he says
לסופר כתוב to the scribe "Write"
ולעדים חתומו and to the witnesses "Sign"


משנה א

אין דבריו האחרונים כלום - But we do not deliver the get until he recovers.

משנה ב

This mishna follows the opinion of רבי יוסי from פרק ו משנה ז, where he held that the husband must specifically instruct those writing and signing the גט for it to be valid.


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