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מסכת כלים פרק טז משנה ח
תיק הסיף

The sheath of a sword,


and knife,

והפגיון and dagger;
תיק מספרת the case of shears (this cutting implement was made of a U-shaped piece of flexible metal with ends that are not particularly sharp, but when scissored against each other their edges would cut like an ordinary scissor)
ומספרים and scissors,
והתער and razor;
תיק מכחול the case of an eye-makeup applicator,
ובית הכחול

and eye-makeup container (i.e. the small leather case that holds the container of makeup);

תיק מכתב the case of a stylus,
ותרנתק and a multi-compartmented case (used by doctors and scribes to store their implements);
תיק טבלה the case of a tablet (this tablet was made of metal, and had an astronomy chart on it)
וסקרטיא and the skurtya (this refers to a similar tablet made of wood);
בית החצים the quiver of arrows
ובית הפגושות and the broad arrow (this may refer to a projectile fired by a catapult);
הרי אלו טמאים these are all tamei (even though some are open on both ends, they are still considered receptacles as they serve and protect their contents).
תיק סימפוניה The case of a symponia (a type of musical instrument),
בזמן שהוא נותן מלמעלה when it is inserted from the top,

it is tamei,

מצידו טהור [when the sympnia is inserted] from its side, it is tahor (as this is deemed to be merely a cover, and not a container).
תיק חלילין The case of a flute,
רבי יהודה מטהר

Rabbi Yehuda rules is tahor,

מפני שהוא נותנו מצידו as it is inserted from its side.
חפוי האלה The cover of a lance,
הקשת a bow,
והרמח and a spear,
הרי אלו טהורין these are tahor.
זה הכלל This is the rule:
העשוי לתיק טמא that which is made as a case is tamei
לחפוי טהור [that which is made] as a cover is tahor.  (There is various opinions as to how to distinguish between these two types, one opinion is that a cover does not completely envelope an item like a case does.)

פרק יז משנה א

כל כלי בעלי בתים All householders' utensils (made of wood, noen or leather)
שיעורן ברמונים their measure [of a hole large enough to tender them tahor] are with pomegranates;
רבי אליעזר אומר Rabbi Eliezer says
במה שהן [it is depends on] what they are (e.g., if made to hold figs, the hole must be large enough to pass a fig);
קפות הגננים the baskets of gardeners,
שעורן באגדות של ירק their measure is a bundle of vegetables,
ושל בעלי בתים and of householders,
בתבן with [bundles of] straw (which are larger than that of vegetables, this follows the opinion of R' Eliezer, who said that since householders would store straw in their baskets, a smaller hole, the size of a pomegranate, would not be sufficient),
של בלנין and of bathhouse attendants
בגבבה with [a hole the size of a bundle of] thin straw (which they would use to heat bathwater when wood was not available);
רבי יהושע אומר Rabbi Yehoshua says
כולן ברמונים all of them with pomegranates.