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מסכת כלים

פרק יח משנה ז


A bed's leg

שהיתה טמאה מדרס

that was tamei midras (from having borne the weight of a zav, zavah, niddah or yoledes),

וחברה למטה

and [after that] was attached to a bed

כלה טמאה מדרס

the entire [bed] is tamei midras;


if it was removed

היא טמאה מדרס

it is tamei midras,

והמטה מגע מדרס

and the bed is tamei from contact with midras;

היתה טמאה טמאת שבעה

if it was tamei with seven-day tumah (this is the tumah an object incurs from a cadaver)

וחברה למיטה

and [after that] was attached to a bed

כלה טמאה טומאת שבעה

the entire [bed] is tamei with seven-day tumah;


if it was removed

היא טמאה טמאת שבעה

it is tamei with seven-day tumah

והמטה טמאה טמאת ערב

and the bed is tamei the tumah of a night (i.e. it may be immersed immediately and becomes tahor that night);

היתה טמאה טמאת ערב

if it was tamei the tumah of a night

וחברה למטה

and [after that] was attached to a bed

כולה טמאה טמאת ערב

the entire bed is tamei the tumah of a night,


if it was removed

היא טמאה טמאת ערב

it is tamei the tumah of a night

והמטה טהרה

and the bed is tahor (as the leg, which was only a rishon, cannot impart its tumah to another object by contact);

וכן השן של מעדר

and similarly the tooth of a mattock (an tool with a head one side of which has an axe-like blade, and the other side is shaped like an adze; others interpret this as another agricultural implement like pitchfork or soil-tiller; if the metal head of the implement, or its "tooth," was tamei and was then attached to a new handle to form a complete utensil, the same rules would apply.)


משנה ח


A tefilah (this refers to the tefillin shel rosh, which has four compartments),

ארבעה כלים

has four utensils (they each have their own status as a utensil, even when separated form each other),

התיר קציצה הראשונה

(if after they had contracted tumah from a corpse) one removed the first compartment


and then fixed it (by replacing it with a new, tahor compartment),

טמאה טמא מת

it is tamei with the tumah of a corpse,

וכן שניה וכן שלישית

and so the second and so the third (if they were removed and replaced),

התיר את הרביעית

[if next] one removed the fourth,

טהרה מטמא מת

it is tahor from the tumah of a corpse,

אבל טמאה מגע טמא מת

but is tamei with the tumah of something that touched something tamei with the tumah of a corpse,

if he returned to the first

והתירה ותקנה

and removed and fixed it (replacing it again)

טמאה במגע

it is tamei due to contact [wth something tamei with the tumah of a corpse],

וכן שניה

and so too the second [compartment],

התיר את השלישית

remove the third (which had been the last remaining one that had been tamei due to contact with the original set)


it is tahor

שהרביעית במגע

as the fourth was [tamei] from contact [with something tamei with the tumah of a corpse]

ואין מגע עושה מגע

and [something tamei from] contact cannot make [something else tamei] by contact.


לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל