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מסכת כלים

פרק כד משנה ג

שלש ערבות הן

There are three types of troughs:


a trough [used for kneading dough]

משני לוג ועד תשעה קבין

[with a capacity] from two logs until nine kavs


that cracked

טמאה מדרס

[is susceptible to] the tumah of midras (as people would turn it over and use it as a stool; a trough larger than the specified size would ordinarily be repaired, and not used as a stool, smaller was too small to sit on comfortably);


if whole,

טמאה טמא מת

it is [susceptible to the] tumah of a corpse;

והבאה במדה

and a very large one [with a capacity of over 40 se'ahs of liquid, or two kors of dry goods]

טהורה מכלום

is tahor from anything (it must be usual for a container to be carried while full for it to be susceptible to tumah, which is not the case with such a large trough).


פרק כד משנה ד

שלש תבות הן

There are three types of chests:

תבה שפתחה מצדה

a chest whose opening is from the side

טמאה מדרס

[is susceptible to] the tumah of midras (as it would be sat upon while in use),


[one that opens] from above

טמאה טמא מת

it is [susceptible to the] tumah of a corpse (but as it could not be sat upon while in use, was not susceptible to tumas midras)

והבאה במדה

and a very large one [with a capacity of over 40 se'ahs of liquid, or two kors of dry goods]

טהורה מכלום

is tahor from anything.


לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל