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מסכת כלים

פרק כו משנה א

סנדל עמקי

An Imkean sandal (this was less a sandal than a bag that went over one's foot; it was made from a flat piece of leather that had a drawstring around its edges, a foot was placed in the middle of the leather and then drawstring was pulled up, causing the edges to gather around the ankle; it is susceptible to tumah even though when loose it was flat, as when used it formed a receptacle),

וכיס של שנצות

and a drawstring pouch (this was constructed in a similar manner to the Imkean sandal, of a flat piece of leather that formed a pouch when the drawstring around its edges was tightened),

רבי יהודה אומר

Rabbi Yehuda says

אף כפיפה מצרית

also a basket made of palm leafs (the strips were woven into a flat sheet, then the edges brought together with a drawstring to form a basket shape),

רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר

Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says

אף סנדל לדיקי

also a Ludkean sandal (which were similar to Imkean sandals)

כיוצא בהן

are the same as them,

הרי אלו מטמאין ומטהרין

these are all made tamei and made tahor

שלא באמן

without a craftsman (these items required their drawstrings to attached for them to be susceptible to tumah; although normally done by a craftsman, if a layperson attached or detached the drawstrings that is sufficient; the palm leaf basket and Lukean sandal took more skill however, which is why the first opinion of this mishnah disagrees with Rabbi Yehuda and Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel).

אמר רבי יוסי

Rabbi Yosi says,

והלא כל הכלים

don't all utensils

מטמאין ומטהרין שלא באמן

become tamei and tahor without a craftsman? (It does not matter who manufactured or disassembled the utensil, just that the steps were completed.)

אבל אלו

Rather these (are different)

אף על פי שהן מתרין

as even though they are undone (i.e. the drawstrings are removed)


they are tamei

שההדיוט יכול להחזירם

as a layperson can put it back.

לא אמרו

They did not say (that if the drawstring is removed it is tahor)

אלא בכפיפה מצרית

except by the basket of palm leaves (and the Ludkean sandal),

שאף האמן אינו יכול להחזירה

as even a craftsman cannot put it back.


פרק כו משנה ב

כיס של שנצות

A drawstring pouch

שניטלו שנציו

whose strings were removed


is tamei,


If it was flattened


it is tahor,

טלה עליו את המטלת

if a patch was attached to it


at its bottom


it is tamei (as this extra material keeps it from becoming completely flat.

כיס לתוך כיס

A pouch within a pouch (i.e. if a pouch had another pouch attached to its inner wall)

שנטמא אחד מהן במשקה

one of which became (rabbinically) tamei from a beverage

לא נטמא חברו

the other does not become tamei.

צרור המרגלית טמא

The wrap of a jewel (this was a flat piece of leather formed into a pouch-like shape by being drawn up and around the jewel and then tied) is tamei (as it will retain its pouch-like shape even after the jewel is removed);

צרור המעות

a wrap for money (a similar piece of leather formed into a pouch for coins, this is different as it is opened much more frequently, leading to it not retaining its shape as well),

רבי אליעזר מטמא

Rabbi Eliezer rules is tamei

וחכמים מטהרין

and the Sages rule is tahor.


לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל