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מסכת כלים

פרק כח משנה ח

בגדי עניים

The clothes of paupers (which were comprised of patches sewn together),

אף על פי

even though

שאין בהם שלש על שלש

there is not in them (in any individual patch) three by three (fingerbreadths),

הרי אלו טמאים מדרס

these are tamei midras.

טלית שהתחיל בה לקרעה

A cloak that began to tear,

כיון שנקרע בה רבה

once most of it has torn,

אינה חבור

(the material on either side of the tear) is not considered attached.


The thick (cloths; this refers to blankets, or heavy felt)


and soft (cloths; this refers to silk or linen woven so fine as to be trasnparent)

אין בהן משום שלש על שלש

are not (subject to the minimum measurement) of three by three (fingerbreadths; rather they must be three square handbreadths, as less than that much of these materials lack utility).


פרק כח משנה ט

כסת הסבלין

The cushion of porters (placed, beneath their loads, on their head or shoulders)

טמאה מדרס

is tamei midras (as it was sometimes sat upon).

משמרת של יין

A (cloth) wine strainer

אין בה משום מושב

does not have the tumah of a seat (as it was dirty from the dregs of wine).

סבכה של זקנה

The hair kerchief of an old woman (made of a mesh-like material)

טמאה משום מושב

is tamei as a seat (i.e. since it is sometimes sat or lied upon).

חלוק של יוצאת החוץ

The shirt of one who goes out (i.e. a prostitute)

העשוי כסבכה

that was made like netting


is tahor (as most people would not wear such a revealing garment).

העושה בגד מן החרם

One who makes a garment from a fishnet,


it is tahor,

ומזוטו טמא

and from its bottom is tamei (the bottom of a fishnet was made of a much tighter weave, and so was not too transparent a material to wear);

רבי אליעזר בן יעקוב אומר

Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov says

אף העושה בגד מן החרם

also one who makes a garment from a fishnet


and doubles it,


it is tamei (as the two layers are opaque enough to wear).


לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל