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מסכת כלים

פרק ל משנה ד

צלוחית קטנה

A small (glass) bottle

שניטל פיה

whose neck was removed (i.e. it was broken off, leaving jagged edges)


is tamei (as one could still use it);

וגדולה שניטל פיה

and a large one whose neck was broken


is tahor (as the jagged edges make it difficult to safely use; in contrast to the small bottle, due to its size it would be hard from a person to avoid trying to hold it by its broken neck);

של פליטון שנטל פיה

that of ointment whose neck was removed (a small bottle used to hold ointment, into which one would ordinarily insert one's finger)


is tahor

מפני שהיא סורחת

as is cuts

את היד

the hand;

לגינין גדולים

large (glass) jars

שניטל פיהן

whose necks were removed


are tamei

מפני שהוא מתקנן לכבשין

as one intends them for pickling (they were left alone for long periods of time, and so there is less concern that one would hurt oneself while carrying it);

והאפרכס של זכוכית

and the and the grinder's hopper (this was a chute, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, which fed grain into a mill) made of glass


is tahor.

אמר רבי יוסי

Rabbi Yosi says,

אשריך כלים

"Fortunate are you (mesechas) Keillim,

שנכנסת בטמאה

as you entered with tumah (listing the progenitors of tumah)

ויצאת בטהרה

and exit with tahara (this last case of the glass grinder's hopper)."


נשלמה מסכת כלים




מסכת אהלות


פרק א משנה א

שנים טמאין במת אחד טמא טמאת שבעה ואחד טמא טמאת ערב שלשה טמאין במת שנים טמאין טמאת שבעה ואחד טמא טמאת ערב ארבעה טמאין במת שלשה טמאין טמאת שבעה ואחד טמא טמאת ערב כיצד שנים אדם הנוגע במת טמא טמאת שבעה ואדם הנוגע בו טמא טמאת ערב

If two people become impure from a corpse, one becomes impure for seven days and one becomes impure until evening. If three people become impure from a corpse, two become impure for seven days and one becomes impure until evening. If four people become impure from a corpse, three become impure for seven days and one becomes impure until evening. How do two [become impure]? One person touches a corpse and becomes impure for seven days, and any person who touches him becomes impure until evening.


לרפואת מרים חיה בת ברכה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל