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מסכת כלים פרק ד משנה ג
איזו היא גסטרא

What is a ruined vessel (that still retains some if its status)?

כל שניטלו אזניה

Any whose handles were broken off.

היו בה חדודין יוצאין

If it had protrusions extending from it (i.e. the jagged edges at the point where it broke),

כל המקבל עמה בזיתים

all that can contain olives (i.e. where the teeth of the jagged edges are so close to each other as to not allow an olive to pass through)

מטמא במגע

can impart tumah by contact,

וכנגדו מיטמא באויר

and opposite them imparts tumah through [entering their] airspace (as if the jagged edges were a solid wall);

וכל שאינו מקבל עמה בזיתים

and all that cannot contain olives

מטמא במגע

can impart tumah by contact,

ואין כנגדו מיטמא באויר

and opposite them does not impart tumah through airspace.

היתה מטה על צדה

If it was lying on its side

כמין קתדרה

in the manner of a cathedra (a type of chair with the seat enclosed on three sides by its back and arms; in this case, the vessel, which was cylindrical and open at the top, was split in half from top to bottom, and the half was laid down, such the the wall of the vessel lies on the ground like the seat of the chair would have, and the now-upwards curve of the wall, which end in jagged edges where the vessel was split, form what would be the chair's arms at its sides, and the bottom of the vessel is positioned like the chair's back),

כל המקבל עמה בזיתים

all [of the jagged edges of the vessel] that can contain olives (i.e. the gap between them is too small for olives to pass through)

מטמא במגע

can impart tumah by contact,

וכנגדו מטמא באויר

and opposite them imparts tumah through [entering their] airspace (as if the jagged edges were a solid wall);

וכל שאינו מקבל עמה בזיתים

and all that cannot contain olives

מטמא במגע

can impart tumah by contact,

ואין כנגדו מטמא באויר

and opposite them does not impart tumah through airspace.

שולי קורפיות

The bottom rims of Kurfian [vessels] (these were used

ושולי קוסים הצידוניים

and the bottom rims of Sidonian cups,

אף על פי

even though

שאינם יכולים לישב

they cannot sit [upright]

שלא מסמכין

without support [due to the fact that their bottoms were pointed]


are tamei,

שלכך נעשו מתחילתן

as that is how they are originally made.


פרק ד משנה ד

כלי חרס

An earthenware vessel

שיש לו שלש שפיות

that has three rims [one inside the next, so that they form three concentric circles, with only the innermost rim forming the edge of the vessel's opening],

הפנימית עודפת

if the inner one is higher,

הכל טהור

everything [in the other ones] is tahor,

החיצונה עודפת

if the outer one is higher,

הכל טמא

all are tamei;

האמצעית עודפת

if the middle one is higher,

ממנה ולפנים טמא

from it inwards is tamei,

ממנה ולחוץ טהור

from it outwards is tahor;

היו שוות

if they were even,

רבי יהודה אומר

Rabbi Yehuda says

חולקין את האמצעית

we split [the space inside] the middle one [the inner half of which is tamei, the outer half of which is tahor]

וחכמים אומרים

and the sages say

הכל טהור

all [but the innermost] are tahor.

כלי חרס

An earthenware vessel,

מאימתי מקבלין טמאה

from when is it susceptible to tumah?

משיצרפו בכבשן

From when it is fired in the kiln,

והיא גמר מלאכתן

and that [is considered] the completion of their manufacture.


There are some interpretations of these two משניות, particularly in the פירוש המשניות להרמב"ם, that  diverge significantly from that given here.