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מסכת כלים פרק ט משנה ז


A woven mat (made of cloth or leather, bakers would place ingredients upon it, but it had no receptacle and was not susceptible to tumah)

שהיא נתונה

that is placed

על פי התנור

over the mouth of a tanur

מקף צמיד פתיל

[which was] sealed with a tightly fitting cover (the mat was sealed in place using clay),

נסדק מן התנור לסרידה

if a crack developed between the tanur and the mat

שעורו מלא פי מרדע

its measure is the width of the mouth of an ox-goad (the 'mouth' was the wider end of this implement)

שלא נכנס

such that it cannot enter (if the crack is precisely the same width the prod cannot get through the hole, and the tanur is not considered sealed and is susceptible to contracting tumah via the canopy over a corpse);

רבי יהודה אומר

Rabbi Yehuda says


[the seal is ineffective] if it enters (only if the hole is large enough to allow the ox-goad to pass through).

נסדקה סרידה

If the mat developed a crack

שעורו כמלא פי מרדע

its measure is the width of the mouth of an ox-goad


that can enter (a more lenient standard than that of the clay with which it was attached);

רבי יהודה אומר

Rabbi Yehudah says

שלא נכנס

such that it cannot enter (he holds it has a stricter standard).

היה עגול

If it was rounded (the crack did not go in a straight line from outside the tanur to its interior, but rather curved)

אין רואין אותו ארוך

we do not view as being straight,

אלא שעורו

rather, its measure

כמלא פי מרדע

is the width of the mouth of an ox-goad


that can enter (and if the curve prevents that entry, then the seal is still good).


פרק ט משנה חו


A tanur

שנקב מעינו

whose eye developed a crack (after having been sealed with clay)

שעורו מלא כוש

its measure is the width of a spindle

נכנס ויוצא דולק

than can enter and exit while lit on fire;

רבי יהודה אומר

Rabbi Yehuda says

שלא דולק

which is not lit on fire.

נקב מצידו

If [the eye] it developed a hole on its side (not in the spot where it was sealed)

שיעורו כמלא כוש

its measure is the size of spindle

נכנס ויוצא שלא דולק

than can enter and exit while not lit on fire;

רבי יהודה אומר דולק

Rabbi Yehudah says [while it is] lit on fire;

רבי שמעון אומר

Rabbi Shimon says

מן האמצע נכנס

[if the hole is] from the middle (where it was sealed) [then only if the spindle can] enter,

מן הצד אינו נכנס

[if the hole is] from the side [then even if the spindle cannot] enter;

וכן היה אומר

and so he would say

במגופת החבית שנקבה

by the stopper of a barrel that developed a hole

שעורה מלא מיצה שניה

its measure was the size of the second joint (where the grain meets the stalk)

של שיפון

of rye,

מן האמצע נכנס

from the middle (of the stopper) that can enter

מן הצד אינו נכנס

from the side (where the stopper was sealed to the barrel) that cannot enter;

וכן היה אומר

and so he would say

בחצבים גדולים שנקבו

by [the stoppers of] large casks that developed holes


their measure

מלא מיצה שניה של קנה

was the size of the second joint of a reed

מן האמצע נכנס

from the middle [that which] can enter

מן הצד אינו נכנס

from the side [that which] cannot enter.

במה דברים אמורים

By what was this said

בזמן שנעשו ליין

when they [the barrels and casks] were made for wine,

אבל אם נעשו לשאר משקין

but if they were made for other beverages

אפילו כל שהוא

even [a hole of] the smallest amount,


they are tamei.

במה דברים אמורים

By what was this said

בזמן שלא נעשו בידי אדם

when they [the holes] were not man-made

אבל אם נעשו בידי אדם

but if they were man-made

אפילו כל שהוא

even [a hole of] the smallest amount,


they are tamei.


If [the body of a vessel] developed a hole

העשוי לאכלין

that which was made for food

שעורן בזיתים

their measure is with olives

עשוי למשקים

that which was made for beverages

שעורן במשקים

their measure is with beverages,

העשוי לכך ולכך

that which was made for both

מטילין אותו לחמרו

we take it to the stringent measure

בצמיד פתיל

[even with] with a sealed cover

ובכונס משקה

and it will let in drink [it is tamei].