Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

פרק ט - משנה ז
הברסים והברדסים Birsim and bardesim [both are types of woolen bed sheets, one thick the other thin]
 והדלמטיקיון and dalmutikyon [a type of long woolen underwear or tights]
ומנעלות הפינון and shoes of pinon [wool scraps]
לא ילבוש בהן should not be worn
 עד שיבדוק until they have been checked [for שעטנז]
  רבי יוסי אומר R' Yose says
 הבאים מחוף הים also those that come from the seashore
וממדינת הים and overseas
אינן צריכין בדיקה do not require checking
 מפני שחזקתן because they are established


as using hemp
ומנעל של זרב and an insulatedshoe
אין בו משום כלאיים is not suspected of containing שעטנז
פרק ט - משנה ח
אין אסור משום כלאיים There is no prohibition of כלאים
אלא טווי ואריג except for [material that was] spun and woven
שנאמר as it says
"לא תלבש שעטנז" "do not wear שעטנז"
דבר שהוא

something [to wit, either raw flax or sheep's hair] which is

שוע  combed [lit. smoothed]
טווי spun
ונוז and woven
רבי שמעון בן אלעזר אומר R' Shimon ben Elazar says [that the word symbolizes that]
נלוז he has turned
ומליז הוא את אביו שבשמיים עליו and caused his father in heaven to turn from him


משנה ז

מפני שחזקתן בקנבוס - The רע"ב explains that this was only for a particular period of time when linen was not as widely available as it is today.

ומנעל של זרב - This was a boot lined with wool.


משנה ח

שוע טווי ונוז - These can be read together almost like an acronym, to form the word שעטנז.  Note that there is a disagreement amongst the ראשונים over what this means.  For example, while רש"י says that טווי ונוז means that the strands of linen and wool are both spun and then woven together, the ר"ש says that only the final step of weaving need involve both materials, and ר"ת holds  that נוז refers to twining, not weaving, and the רמב"ם seems to have yet another interpretation.


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