Audio by Shimi Berger

Mishnah Kinnim 3:2: One [pair] from this one [woman] and two [pairs] from this one [another woman] and three [pair] from this one [another woman] and ten [pairs] from this one [another woman] and one hundred [pairs] from this ome [another woman] if he [the Kohen] did all of them above [the Altar's mid-line], half are valid and half are invalid. If he did all of them below [the Altar's mid-line], half will be valid and the other half will be invalid. If he did half above and half below, the number of birds in the largest group are valid. This is the rule: Any place [situation] where you can divide the pairs so that one woman's birds will not be both above [the mid-line] and below [the mid-line] half will be valid and half will be invalid. Any place [situation] where you cannot divide the pairs other than one woman's [birds] can be entirely above and below [the mid-line] the number of birds in the largest group are valid.

אחת לזו ושתים לזו ושלש לזו ועשר לזו ומאה לזו. עשה כולן למעלה מחצה כשר ומחצה פסול. כולן למטן מחצה כשר ומחצה פסול. חצין למעלן וחצין למטן המרובה כשר. זה הכלל. כל מקום שאתה יכול לחלוק את הקנין ולא יהו משל אשה אחת בין מלמעלן בין מלמטן. מחצה כשר ומחצה פסול. כל מקום שאין אתה יכול לחלוק את הקנין עד שהוא משל אשה אחת בין מלמעלן בין מלמטן. המרובה כשר:

Mishnah Kinnim 3:3: The sin offering from this one [woman] and a burnt-offering from this one [woman], and he [the Kohen in error] did all of them above [the mid-line] half are valid and half are invalid. If he [the Kohen in error] did all of them below [the mid-line], half are valid and half are invalid. If he [the Kohen in error] did half above [the mid-line] and half below [the mid-line], both are invalid, because we can say that the sin-offering was brought above [the mid-line] and the burnt-offering was brought below [the mid-line].

חטאת לזו ועולה לזו עשה כולן למעלן מחצה כשר ומחצה פסול. כולן למטן מחצה כשר ומחצה פסול. חצין למעלן וחצין למטן. שתיהן פסול. שאני אומר חטאת קריבה למעלן. ועולה למטן:

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