Audio by Shimi Berger

Mishnah Kerisos 4:1: [If] one was in doubt whether he ate forbidden fat or not; [or] even [if] one was in doubt whether he ate the minimum amount [in a case where he certainly] did eat; [or if there were] permitted fat and forbidden fat before him, and he ate one of them and does not know which of them he ate; [or if] his wife and his sister were with him in the house and he unthinkingly [had relations] with one of them and does not know with which of them he unthinkingly [had relations]; or if he performed a Melakhah [a constructive activity forbidden on Shabbat and festivals] and does not know whether he did it on Shabbat or a weekday; he brings an Asham Talui [a guilt-offering brought upon possible commission of a sin].

ספק אכל חלב. ספק לא אכל. ואפילו אכל. ספק יש בו כשיעור. ספק שאין בו. חלב ושומן לפניו. אכל את אחד מהן. ואין ידוע איזו מהן אכל. אשתו ואחותו עמו בבית. שגג באחת מהן. ואין ידוע באיזו מהן שגג. שבת ויום חול ועשה מלאכה באחת מהן. ואין ידוע באיזו מהם עשה מביא אשם תלוי:

Mishnah Kerisos 4:2: Just like a person who ate forbidden fat twice under one spell of unawareness is liable for only one Chattat [an offering brought to expiate sin], so too, when they are not known [the individual is not certain he sinned], he is liable for only one Asham Talui. If he became aware in the interim [between the two acts, that he might have sinned] he brings a separate Asham Talui for each [act], just as he would bring a separate Chattat for each [act]. Just like if one ate forbidden fat, and blood, and Notar [a sacrifice that becomes unfit due to being unconsumed past the permitted time], and Piggul [a sacrifice that becomes unfit due to the intention of the officiating priest while offering it, to consume it after its permitted time] under one spell of unawareness, he is liable for [a Chattat] for each one; so too, when they are not known, one brings a separate Asham Talui for each [forbidden food]. [If] forbidden fat and Notar [sat] before an individual and he ate one of them but does not know which one of them he ate; [or if] one's Niddah [a woman who has menstruated and is thereby impure] wife and his sister were with him in his house, and he unthinkingly had relations with one of them and does not know with whom he unthinkingly had relations; [or if] Shabbat and Yom Kippur [fell on consecutive days] and one performed Melakhah at dusk [between the days] and does not know on which day he acted: Rabbi Eliezer deems [him] liable for a Chattat, but Rabbi Yehoshua exempts [him]. Rabbi Yose said: They do not disagree that [a person] who did Melakhah at dusk is exempt since I can say that he performed part of the Melakhah on one day and part on the following day. About what do they disagree? About one who did Melakhah during the day [itself] but does not know whether he did it on Shabbat or he did it on Yom Kippur; or where he did [Melakhah] and does not know what category the Melakhah he did [falls into]: Rabbi Eliezer deems him liable for a Chattat, but Rabbi Yehoshua exempts [him]. Rabbi Yehudah said: Rabbi Yehoshua even exempts him from an Asham Talui

כשם שאם אכל חלב וחלב בהעלם אחת אינו חייב אלא חטאת אחת. כך על לא הודע שלהן. אינו מביא אלא אשם אחד. אם היתה ידיעה בינתים. כשם שהוא מביא חטאת על כל אחת ואחת. כך הוא מביא אשם תלוי על כל אחת ואחת. כשם שאם אכל חלב ודם נותר ופיגול בהעלם אחת. חייב על כל אחת ואחתי. כך על לא הודע שלהן. מביא אשם תלוי על כל אחד ואחד. חלב ונותר לפניו. אכל אחד מהם. ואין ידוע איזה מהם אכל. אשתו נדה ואחותו עמו בבית. שגג באחת מהן ואין ידוע באיזה מהן שגג. שבת ויום הכפורים. ועשה מלאכה בין השמשות. ואין ידוע באיזה מהם עשה. רבי אליעזר מחייב חטאת. ורבי יהושע פוטר. אמר רבי יוסי לא נחלקו על העושה מלאכה בין השמשות שהוא פטור. שאני אומר מקצת מלאכה עשה מהיום ומקצתה למחר. ועל מה נחלקו. על העושה בתוך היום. ואין ידוע אם בשבת עשה. ואם ביום הכפורים עשה. או על העושה ואין ידוע מעין איזו מלאכה עשה. רבי אליעזר מחייב חטאת. ורבי יהושע פוטר. אמר רבי יהודה פוטרו היה רבי יהושע. אף מאשם תלוי:

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