Audio by Rabbi Avrohom Zucker

If a man forbade his wife by vow that she shall not go to her father`s house, and he lives with her in the same town, he may keep [Her as his wife, if the prohibition was for] one month; but if for two months he must divorce her and give her also the Kethubah. Where He, however, lives in another town, he may keep [Her as his wife, if the prohibition was for] one festival, [but if for] Three Festivals, he must divorce her and give her also her Kethubah.

כתובות 7.4 
המדיר את אשתו שלא תלך לבית אביה-- בזמן שהן עימה בעיר, חודש אחד יקיים; ושניים, יוציא וייתן כתובה׃ ובזמן שהן בעיר אחרת-- רגל אחד, יקיים; ושלושה, יוציא וייתן כתובה

If a man forbade his wife by vow that she shall not visit a house of mourning or a house of feasting, he must divorce her and give her also her Kethubah, because thereby he has closed [people`s doors] against her. If he pleads, however, [that his action] was due to some other cause he is permitted [to forbid her]. If he said to her: `[there shall be no vow] provided that you tell so-and-so what you have told me` or `what I have told you` or `that you shall fill and pour out on the rubbish heap`, he must divorce her and give her also her Kethubah.

 כתובות 7.5 
המדיר את אשתו שלא תלך לבית האבל או לבית המשתה-- יוציא וייתן כתובה, מפני שנעל בפניה; ואם היה טוען משם דבר אחר, רשאי׃ אמר לה, על מנת שתאמרי לאיש פלוני מה שאמרת לי, או מה שאמרתי ליך, או שתהא ממלא ומערה לאשפה-- יוציא וייתן כתובה

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