Audio by Shimi Berger

Mishnah Meilah 2:1: [With respect to] the bird sin offering, one is liable for meilah once they have been sanctified. Once they were slaughtered through melika [the kohen pierces the back of the bird's neck with his thumbnail] they become susceptible to becoming ineligible [if touched] by a tevul yom [ a person who has immersed himself in the mikveh that day and is waiting for sunset to become pure] or [a person who is] a mechusar kippurim [lacks atonement; he has not yet brought his sacrifice], or through linah [leaving certain portions of certain offerings overnight, thereby invalidating them]. Once their blood has been sprinkled one is liable for pigul, notar and tamei, and one is liable for meilah.

חטאת העוף מועלין בה משהוקדשה. נמלקה. הוכשרה להפסל בטבול יום. ובמחוסר כפורים. ובלינה. הוזה דמה. חייבין עליה משום פיגול. נותר. וטמא. ואין בה מעילה:

Mishnah Meilah 2:2: The olah [completely burnt] bird sacrifice, one is liable for meilah once they have been sanctified. Once they were slaughtered through melika they become susceptible to becoming ineligible [if touched] by a tevul yom, a mechusar kippurim or through linah. Once their blood has been squeezed [against the wall of the altar] one is liable for pigul, notar and tamei , and one is liable for meilah until they are taken to the place of the ashes [where it is burnt outside of Jerusalem].

עולת העוף מועלין בה משהוקדשה. נמלקה. הוכשרה להפסל בטבול יום. ובמחוסר כפורים. ובלינה. מיצה דמה חייבין עליה משום פיגול. נותר. וטמא. ומועלין בה. עד שתצא לבית הדשן:

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