Audio by Michael Sokolow

Mishnah Negaim 14:12: A poor leper who brought the sacrifices of a rich man fulfilled his obligation, but a rich man who brought the sacrifices of a poor man did not fulfill his obligation. A man can bring for his son, his daughter, his slave, or his maidservant the offering of a poor person and then feed them from offerings. Rabbi Yehuda says even for his wife he can bring the offering of a rich person and so too for every offering she is obligated [to bring].

מְצֹרָע עָנִי שֶׁהֵבִיא קָרְבַּן עָשִׁיר, יָצָא. וְעָשִׁיר שֶׁהֵבִיא קָרְבַּן עָנִי, לֹא יָצָא. מֵבִיא אָדָם עַל יְדֵי בְנוֹ, עַל יְדֵי בִתּוֹ, עַל יְדֵי עַבְדּוֹ וְשִׁפְחָתוֹ קָרְבַּן עָנִי, וּמַאֲכִילָן בַּזְּבָחִים. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אוֹמֵר, אַף עַל יְדֵי אִשְׁתּוֹ מֵבִיא קָרְבַּן עָשִׁיר, וְכֵן כָּל קָרְבָּן שֶׁהִיא חַיָּבֶת:

Mishnah Negaim 14:13: If the offerings of two lepers became mixed up, if the offering of one of them was offered and the other one of them died, this is what the people of Alexandria asked Rabbi Yehoshua and he said to them, he should write all of his property to the other person and bring the offering of a poor person.

שְׁנֵי מְצֹרָעִים שֶׁנִּתְעָרְבוּ קָרְבְּנוֹתֵיהֶם, קָרַב קָרְבָּנוֹ שֶׁל אַחַד מֵהֶם, וּמֵת אַחַד מֵהֶם, זוֹ שֶׁשָּׁאֲלוּ אַנְשֵׁי אֲלֶכְּסַנְדְּרִיָּא אֶת רַבִּי יְהוֹשֻׁעַ. אָמַר לָהֶם, יִכְתֹּב נְכָסָיו לְאַחֵר וְיָבִיא קָרְבַּן עָנִי:

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