Audio by Shimi Berger

Mishnah Temurah 7:6: All sanctified [animals] which were slaughtered at the wrong time or in the wrong place are to be burned. A questionable guilt offering is to be burned. Rabbi Yehudah says, "It should be buried." A sin offering, a bird that is brought out of doubt should be burned. Rabbi Yehudah says, "Place it in a container [of water]." All that is burned is not buried and all that is buried is not burned. Rabbi Yehudah says, "If he wants to be strict on himself to burn the things which are [normally] buried, he is permitted to do so." [the Sages] said to him, "He is not permitted to change it."

כל הקדשים שנשחטו חוץ לזמנן. וחוץ למקומן. הרי אלו ישרפו. אשם תלוי ישרף. רבי יהודה אומר יקבר. חטאת העוף הבאה על ספק. תשרף. רבי יהודה אומר יטילנה לאמה. כל הנשרפין לא יקברו. וכל הנקברים לא ישרפו. רבי יהודה אומר אם רצה להחמיר על עצמו. לשרוף את הנקברים רשאי. אמרו לו אינו מותר לשנות.

Mishnah Kerisos 1:1: [There are] thirty-six acts for which the Torah [prescribes] Karet [excision at the hands of Heaven. It is a punishment for]: One who has relations with his mother, or with his father's wife, or with his daughter-in-law, or with a man, or with an animal, or a woman who has an animal have relations with her, or one who has relations with a woman and her daughter, or with a married woman, or with his sister, or with his paternal aunt, or with his maternal aunt, or with his wife's sister, or with his brother's wife, or with the wife of his father's brother, or with a Niddah [a woman who has menstruated and is thereby impure]. [Other individuals who are subject to Karet are]: One who blasphemes [curses God], or who worships idols, or who sacrifices his children to Molekh [a type of idolatry wherein one passes his child through fire or between flames],or a necromancer, or one who violates Shabbat, or an impure person who eats consecrated food, one who enters the Temple when impure, or one who eats forbidden fat, or who eats blood, or who eats Notar [a sacrifice that becomes unfit due to being unconsumed past the permitted time], or who eats Piggul [a sacrifice that becomes unfit due to the intention of the officiating priest while offering it, to consume it after its permitted time], or one who slaughters a sacrifice outside [the Temple precincts], or who offers up a sacrifice outside [the Temple precincts], or who eats leavened bread on Pesach, or who eats on Yom Kippur, or who does Melakhah [a constructive activity forbidden on Shabbat and festivals] on Yom Kippur, or one who prepares oil [after the manner of the Temple's anointing oil], or who prepares Ketoret [holy incense offered twice a day on the golden altar inside the Temple], or who anoints [himself] with the anointing oil. Positive commandments [whose neglect warrants Karet are]: The Passover offering, and circumcision.

שלשים ושש כריתות בתורה. הבא על האם. ועל אשת האב. ועל הכלה. הבא על הזכור ועל הבהמה. והאשה המביאה את הבהמה עליה. הבא על אשה ובתה. ועל אשת איש. הבא על אחותו. ועל אחות אביו. ועל אחות אמו. ועל אחות אשתו. ועל אשת אחיו. ועל אשת אחי אביו. ועל הנדה. המגדף. והעובד עבודה זרה והנותן מזרעו למולך. ובעל אוב. המחלל את השבת. וטמא שאכל את הקדש. והבא למקדש טמא. האוכל חלב ודם נותר פגול השוחט והמעלה בחוץ. האוכל חמץ בפסח. והאוכל. והעושה מלאכה ביום הכפורים. המפטם את השמן. והמפטם את הקטורת. והסך בשמן המשחה. הפסח והמילה במצות עשה:

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